Wednesday, June 9, 2010

You Know You're Tired When...

When I visited Dad this morning, he had just come back from physical therapy. He had walked there, done his exercises, then walked back. He looked good and sounded good. So nice to see color in his face. Dad was back in bed and Mom was helping him get a fresh t-shirt on. She pointed out that Dad had a new wound.

Evidently, when someone was helping him into a chair this morning for his breakfast, Dad lost muscle control or balance or whatever and started to fall. The assistant grabbed his arm and that fragile 88yo skin tore, badly. The whole wound was taped up with that clear bandaging and it was what I call "juicy". I almost took a picture, but figured not everyone would appreciate that much detail. As Mom was leaving, she noticed the bandage was leaking blood. (Mom had a full day ahead involving a re-evaluation with home health and a dental appt. for a lost filling/cap.)

I called for the nurse. In came Eric and began the excrutiating process of peeling off the existing bandage. Dad winced, Eric apologized. Dad lost some hairs (hey, some people pay for that), but Eric managed to avoid any further skin tearing. Here's how exhausted Dad was from physical therapy: During this whole painful procedure, Dad kept dozing off! Tough, so very tough. So after he was mopped up and re-bandaged, this time with non-stick pad and gauze, I left so Dad could have is pre-lunch nap. I'd say he earned a little rest.

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