Thursday, June 3, 2010

Family Conference Report

Mark, Gayle, Mom and I went yesterday to meet with Dr. Kleinbaum. Dr. K rehashed the medical findings. M & G asked about palliative-preventative surgery. Dr. K (and Mom) said no. Mom asked about her low residue diet and if that would help prevent a blockage. Dr. K said that is usually for diverticulosis, and suggested she ask her gastro dr.

Someone asked about the probable progression of the disease and Dr. K said that would depend on how the cancer grows. If it grows mostly in the colon, Mom could experience blockage, perforation and loss of bowel function. If it grows in the lungs, pneumonia could set in. Mom could also have global effects, like blood clots, because cancer makes the blood "sticky". Dr. K described cancer as "catabolic; it steals what your body needs."

I just looked it up. Catabolism is destructive metabolism. That's our million dollar medical term for the day.

We asked about resources and recommendations to help Mom along this process. Dr. K recommended a local hospice. We liked the idea that Dr. K personally knew the guy, but when I called, I discovered that although this group has done home health care for a while, they are new to hospice. I don't like the idea of them learning on my mom, ya know? Gayle suggested I interview the two established hospice groups we have heard good things about from people we know. Sounds like a plan.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Gwen,
    My mom finishes her radiation on Monday. If she doesn't want to return to MD Anderson to try the clinical trial again, I think we might find ourselves at the exact same place you are.

    Praying for you and yours.

