Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Happy Place

Dave persevered and took us to my Happy Place for the last weekend of his vacation.

I really, really love Galveston. We had a wonderful time away. We played on the beach, ate out, walked the Strand, drove out to see where we stayed on the beach three years ago (still being renovated two years after Ike), toured an offshore oil rig, took a Duck tour, and even saw friends. I read Isaac's Storm. It was the perfect quick getaway. Thank you, Dave, for knowing what I need, even when I can't see it.


  1. So thankful you were able to get away...and update your blog! I have been worried about you, but am happy to know you weren't updating because you were away!!

    I even dreamt about you last night which is proof you are heavy on my heart and often in my thoughts! In my dream we "ran into" each other...oh, how I wish it was that easy!! ;O)

    Love you!!
