Friday, August 6, 2010

Never a Dull Moment

I went over to the folks' today after work to stay while Bill went to the airport to pick up our nephew Paul. Paul is returning from a summer ministry in San Diego and offered to stay a week to care for his Grandma and Grandpa. Dinner was pretty usual. We all enjoyed a bowl of Mom's delicious chicken gumbo. Mom and I sat with Dad while he finished up. Dad noticed that someone's little pigs were out in the yard (garden variety hallucination). Dad fell asleep in his wheelchair at the table. Standard fare.

Mom went to the kitchen to gather the evening medicines. Nurse Brenda had instructed Mom to start taking her blood pressure before she takes her medicine. Mom called me into the kitchen to tell me her bp was too high. Not panic-high, but right at the cut-off point of too high. She called Brenda, but I don't know what was said. Mom felt dizzy and accepted help walking into the living room. She parked herself in a chair and stayed there the rest of the night. She even let me serve Paul and Bill, and let Bill and me clean up in the kitchen. Mom took her blood pressure a couple more times and it came down a bit.

Another contributing factor here is that Mom's left calf has been swollen and red this week. We don't know why.

I'm going over in the morning to see how Mom is and to talk with Bill about plans. The plan had been for Paul to tend to Grandma and Grandpa for a week and for Bill to head home. Now, I'm not sure. Praying for wisdom and grace for all.

Saturday Postscript -- Mom seems better this morning. Diastolic still high, but systolic very reasonable. She did let me shop at Sam's for her. Bill is planning to leave after lunch. Karis and I will go over in the afternoon/evening.

1 comment:

  1. Praying for you all this morning, friend, and hoping your mom is feeling better!! Praying for peace as you decide who the care should fall to this week!

