Monday, August 23, 2010


Family members are arriving. Arrangements for provisions and lodging are made. The viewing/visitation is tonight. Graveside tomorrow morning, memorial service following.

I have the same feeling I get when a hurricane is in the gulf, but without the fun factor. All the dread, none of the excitement. I'm going to take a nap.

PostScript: I didn't get the nap. It was like a hurricane. And I was like a tree, bending beneath the weight of His wind and mercy. It was beautiful and terrible and I'm not ready to write about it yet. Surely I will be, someday.


  1. (((hugs))) Many thoughts and prayers are with you friend! I'm so sorry...

  2. We must be related--it was a whirlwind, intense, and felt like I might get blown over at times; but it was also a beautiful, wonderful time of celebrating Dad's life and renewing and affirming relationships! Thanks for arranging, producing, and picking up the pieces...
