Thursday, November 12, 2009

Confusion--His and Mine

I called Mom yesterday evening to check and see if Dad had a little memory blip or if he had mentally checked out for the day. She didn't really know and it sounded like he had been pretty silent for the rest of the day. That's one of his strategies when he feels mentally lost; he just says nothing at all. I told Mom I had wondered if Dad knew who I was there at the end of my visit and she told me that he has been asking her our names. His children's names. He's forgetting our names.

Is this a whole new level of dementia? Some sort of marker? I remember back when he blipped out for the day in 2008, Ves said we should bring him in if he didn't know who we were. (And Mom told me later that by the end of that day, Dad thought Bill was at his house, not Loren.)

Why didn't Mom tell me this before? More denial? If we don't talk about it then it isn't happening? Is she afraid I'll try to take over? Wouldn't it help her to share the burden with someone else, even to just talk about it? Is it just not a big deal to her?

I dunno.


  1. humm. sounds like Dad's memory has taken a sharp turn? Hopefully it will come back? wonder if the blood pressure is staying up? maybe a diff medication?

    It is sad for mom too I am sure. some denial, but some just dealing with life as it occurs... just serving dad for however long God has? they have been to the doc a lot and it's called a practice.... dunno also. just some thoughts...

  2. Good thoughts. Blood pressure only taken once/daily this week, so I'm unsure about that. I'm not sure how forthcoming Mom is with the doctor. I'll see if Ves knows about this latest slip. I did find out from someone who visited Dad in Solara that this was happening then too, so it is not so new. Just new to me.
