Sunday, March 18, 2012

Respite Day One

Today I:

*Went to church (sat with Dave and Ev)
*Ate lunch at Vero (with Dave, Karis, Nate, and Ev)
*Ran errands (with Karis and Ev)
*Bought tickets for 12:30pm Friday showing of Hunger Games (!!!)
*Had frozen yogurt at Chiller Bee (with Dave, Karis, Meg, Nate, Ev, and a friend)
*Watched Once Upon a Time (with Ev)
*Discovered that driving skills get a little rusty if you don't use them very often (yikes!)

My sister Gayle is very tired. I am very refreshed. And looking forward to tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. Thankful for your fun day!!!! Praying for another one for you and praying for Gayle!!
