Sunday, April 3, 2011

Garden Party!

This past Saturday, our church's women's ministry held a Garden Party. It was at the home of a friend of mine, out in the country. The party was from 12-3 and included lunch, a lecture by a Master Gardener, and a tour of the grounds. Mom had been looking forward to the Garden Party ever since it had been announced. The speaker is one of her favorites and she was looking forward to seeing my friend's place. But I got a call from Mom Saturday morning. She said she once again had "the trots" and could not go anywhere. I knew she was very disappointed, and told her to call me back if she had a miracle.

And she called me back! Mom used some of the medicine that hospice provided and wanted to give the party a try. I'm so glad she did. The drive out was beautiful, with the roadsides covered in bluebonnets, indian paintbrush, and pink evening primrose. Mom loved the remote location of the house. We enjoyed the girl food, complete with quiche, gazpacho, rolls with herbed butter, and cheesecake. The Master Gardener was very good and I think even Mom may have learned something new.

Then we walked around and saw the chickens, gardens, fruit trees, and compost. Mom immediately recognized the leghorn chickens (which she called "leggerns") and my friend concurred with Mom on their unpleasant dispositions. They are however the best layers. Mom loved hearing the sounds of the friendly rhode island reds and barred plymouth rocks. It reminded her of her childhood. And I loved that Mom let me walk next to her over the uneven terrain and hold her hand.

Picture cleverly taken by Evangeline Schneider :)

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