Monday, April 18, 2011


My sister Gayle has been staying with Mom for the past week. Once again, Mom has put Gayle to work decluttering, sorting, and cleaning out. And once again, Gayle has done a masterful job. Mom feels good about having things in order. She has completely turned the corner from just wanting to be in her house, to wanting her house to be ready for us.

Today, Gayle was there with Mom when the hospice doctor came to visit. She said the doctor told Mom she should give up driving because her reflexes are slower. He recommended she stop taking her blood thinner. He also said she should not go on walks alone anymore. He said walking uses up energy and she should conserve her energy for things she enjoys doing.

This news was so upsetting to me! In fact, I seem to be the one who is most upset about it. Gayle said Mom seems okay with everything and views it as part of the process. She knows she is growing weaker. She did want to go for one last drive tomorrow morning on her usual path to the bank and the grocery store. I'm crying again as I think about Mom taking her last drive through town. In my family of origin, we just love to drive. It is a big deal for Mom to let that independence go.

Gayle said Mom is actually relieved about the walks. She realizes the wisdom in conserving her strength. Mom said, "I'm like a hybrid car; I recharge while I'm sitting still." Especially funny because Gayle and her husband Mark are total Prius freaks! Dave stopped by this evening to visit with Mom and learned that she had initiated much of the conversation with the doctor, asking about driving and walking.

I know I am leaving lots of gaps in the past week's happenings. I've been spending all the time I can with Gayle over at Mom's, plus a garage sale, plus trying to maintain some normalcy with my family, plus life. I will post things as they come to mind. Also, I should note that the paragraphs about the doctor visit and Mom's reactions are heavily plagarized from Gayle's texts. I don't think I've processed this new information enough to be able to compose my own rational thoughts.


  1. I love you and I am sorry!! Big hugs and many prayers!! XOXO

  2. ((Gwen))) Many hugs! I'm so's SO hard.
