Monday, February 28, 2011

That's Weird

Mom's pharmacist just called me. (This is one of the benefits of growing up in a small town. This man has known my family-of-origin for about 35 years. He is a wonderful compounding pharmacist with his own shop. I had to stop using his shop when my insurance changed, about 6 years ago.) He said Mom had called in a couple of refills, and then asked for them to be mailed. The pharmacist wanted to make sure Mom wasn't out of town visiting one of my siblings. He assured me they will deliver the prescriptions tomorrow.

Mom has always picked her prescriptions up. Odd that out of the blue she would request to have them mailed. I spoke to her this morning and nothing seemed out of whack. It's just weird.

Mom Logic: Today I asked Mom about her different request. She said she felt with the price of gas so high, she would ask them to mail her prescriptions. There you have it!

1 comment:

  1. Frugal to the end! She was being careful with the gas when I was there, too. Didn't want to go cruising unless necessary, and we had to combine trips. Yes, Mom!
