Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sick, Sick, Sick

I'm sick now for the third time this school year. I hate being sick. My family hates my being sick. Why do I keep getting sick?

I did a quick search for "immunity" on one of my favorite websites and found a thread discussing ways to boost immunity.

*adequate rest
*fruits and veggies
*vitamin D3
*limit sugar

Oh, okay. I see that I'm currently doing none of these things. Time to re-evaluate life.

I can take the dog for a 20 minute walk in the sunshine. I can eat yogurt, fruits and veggies everyday. I can drink lots more water. I can step away from the sweets. (Or can I???) And can I really get more sleep? What will not get done to facilitate that one?

But how can I take care of Mom if I keep getting sick? I've got to figure out something.


  1. I will contemplate your most admirable list as I get up to get another kiss.

  2. great research. as we get older the items listed are probably more helpful. chocolate and coffee are probably veggies. Thanks for all you are doing for mom! sounds like you both have a cold? probably the nasty KC type winter you have been having?

  3. Something that really helps me is taking zinc lozenges (cold ease, but I use the walmart equate brand). Working around kids you will pick up more colds, etc. The minute (hour) I start to feel that weakening, sickly feeling, I pop a pretty red lozenge (tastes awful, and can't take on empty stomach). I think the limit is 4 per day. Worth a try!
