Saturday, February 19, 2011

Sweet Sorrow

My sister Gayle had such a nice visit with Mom. They had fun with my cousin for a few days, reminiscing, playing, getting to know each other again. Then, they got down to business. Mom really wanted Gayle to clean out closets! So she did, asthma and allergy meds in hand.

But this visit seemed to go beyond the practical. Gayle stayed for an entire week, but as her departure date approached, Mom asked, "Are you sure you have to go? Are you sure you couldn't stay?" I know that might sound normal for many people, but it is so un-Mom it is stunning. I don't think I have ever heard her express a desire for anyone to stay longer. Ever.

The night before Gayle left, Mom caught some sort of cold or virus and "had a tickle in her throat". Translated to mean: She couldn't stop coughing. Mom told me with teary eyes how Gayle got up in the night and tended to her. She was touched with the role reversal (and loved the port as cough syrup!).

Gayle said Mom was even tender at the farewell, giving her a full, real hug (not the usual "post") and telling her she loved her. A rare and precious gift.

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