Saturday, April 28, 2012

It's 10:00am...Is the day over yet?

Neighbors and blue pee and epic poop, oh my.

This morning when I opened the curtains and turned off the porch light, I saw an unusual sight. Our dear neighbor was sitting in her side yard in the grass with her jammies on. She had her granddaughter's little dog on a leash. I went outside to check on her and as I got closer, I could see she had cut her cheek. I don't know what happened, but she was able to tell me how to get her up, and she was able to walk inside. She wouldn't let me help her in any other way, so I went back to my mom's and tried to figure out how to contact my neighbor's daughter. My sisters didn't have her number. I decided to message her on facebook and thank God, when I opened it up, she had sent me her phone number in a previous message. All appears to be okay. So sad to see the inevitable struggles and setbacks that come with age.

Back to our regularly scheduled morning routine. I took Mom's coffee in and noticed the fluid in her catheter bag was super dark. She had felt really bad yesterday. So bad that she agreed to take medicine for uti pain and antibiotics. So bad that she said, "It would be good if I could die tonight." When I asked her why, she explained, "I asked God to give me joy and I couldn't come up with any joy today." Poor Mama. I told her I would pray for a better day, whether in heaven or not. But here she was awake for another day with really dark pee. In the unlit bedroom, it looked black. When I turned on the light, I saw it was blue and remembered Nurse Christy telling me the pain medication for uti turns your pee blue. Whew!

Mom enjoyed her breakfast of a whole piece of toast and an egg over easy. She said, "I'm HUNGRY!" Initially, she only wanted a 1/2 cup of coffee, but when she smelled a fresh pot, she asked for more. And she stayed up til 9:30am, reading Nate's Tim Tebow book. She asked me if Nate is drinking protein shakes. :) Finally, when she couldn't stay awake any longer, Mom rang for me to wheel her back to her room for a change and a nap. She required a considerable amount of clean up. And then poor Mom kept going. And going. And going. It was an epic, 30 minute diaper change. I don't know where she was keeping it all! Seriously, epic.

So now I'm wondering, can I just be done for the day?

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