Saturday, October 30, 2010

Week in Review

Monday -- Meg and Grandma did not get to watch their movie. :( Turns out the movie times change on Fridays and we didn't check back. Disappointing.

Tuesday -- Karis took Grandma out for lunch. I suspected they would go to Panera. Karis said Mom got in the truck with a Chipotle coupon in hand. But then as they set out, Mom told Karis she wanted to go to Sonic instead. She said things like, "Sonic is close; let's go there. I've never been there. I want to try their onion rings." I don't know if she was scared of Karis' driving or if she really wanted to go to Sonic. They both had Chili Cheese Wraps and Mom got her onion rings. :)

Thursday -- I invited Mom to come to Ev's Christian Heritage Program on Friday, and she said yes! And, "I hope I don't oversleep." I offered to give her a wake up call.

Friday -- Karis called Mom on our way to school on my cell phone.

Mom: Gwen!

Karis: Hi Grandma. It's Karis.

Mom: I'm up!

Karis: Well, stay up!

And she came! Mom listened to Ev's choir sing and then she listened to Ev give her talk about Betty Greene.

While Mom was at school, one of her friends asked her if she was coming to the church fellowship night. Mom agreed to come, but refused a ride. I asked her how she was going to get there, and she pantomimed driving. At night? Yup.

And she did! I was at the church to pick Meg up (she painted the youth room), and saw Mom having dinner with her friends. I love it.


  1. This makes me smile!!! you make me smile!

  2. When we pulled into the church parking lot Friday morning for me to leave Mary Anne to paint while I went to the school program, we saw your mom getting out of her car and head toward the school. May said, "Miss Ann is on the go! She should write a story about this time. She has her own bucket list."
