Saturday, October 23, 2010


We haven't heard yet when Aunt Helen's service will be. We know it will be a graveside at their childhood church cemetary in Kansas, but cannot make flight plans until we know the date.

Mom, however, is making plans of her own. She and a friend are going to see Secretariet on Monday afternoon. The friend is very similar in age to Mom. In fact, I asked her:

Gwen: Who drives when you and Jan go out together?

Mom: I always offer before she gets the chance. Her driving scares me!

Another clever part to this plan is, Mom has asked Meg to come with them. Her friend Jan thought having a younger person along might help them navigate the theatre a little better. I think it is a brilliant idea. Meg asked if she could also bring a friend. (I said yes.) Mom asked if she should pay for the girls' tickets. (I said yes.)

So, Monday afternoon, Meg and Maryanne are meeting Mom and Jan at the movies. Fun!


  1. The movie was great! Mark and I saw it last night! Some sad parts, of course. They will enjoy and what a nice idea to take the young ones along for "support."

  2. Sounds like a fun outing! I've been thinking of you lately friend and hope you are doing well.

    Love and hugs,

  3. May is very excited. She feels privileged to be included in this part of your mom's life. Miss Ann has played a big, albeit unobtrusive, part in May's life and we are all grateful for it.

  4. Oops! That was not Velda who made the above comment. Something afoul with google, methinks. I shall try again!
