Thursday, June 2, 2011

Onward and Upward

Last night Mom and Loren stayed in Missoula, Montana. Mom slept for twelve hours and then the Dynamic Duo started on the last leg of their journey. You can't do this in Texas in June!

(That's Mom throwing snowballs, Loren says.)

While still in Wyoming, the Terrible Twosome stopped at Little Big Horn.

What a gorgeous day!

Dave said all these shots of Mom at various tourist attractions remind him of that Travelocity commercial where the garden gnome shows up in vacation pictures. I was thinking more along the lines of Flat Stanley.

Anyhoo, Loren said that yesterday Mom told him she would like to stay in Idaho until Perry finishes painting the kitchen. I was thinking along those same lines last night when I asked Perry for a guesstimate timeline. And that's when I found out that Perry and Noelle are leaving for Spain on June 20. So, finished or not, June 20 is a pretty good stopping point to plan on. Or Mom could wait in Idaho until we take our driving tour in July. I guess we'll take things one day at a time.

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