Monday, December 20, 2010

Time, Love and Tenderness

Nate, Ev and I went over to Mom's last night. She wasn't expecting us, but we were delighted to see her little Christmas tree lighted up. Mom welcomed us at the door and invited us in. She said over and over how happy she was to see us! She was super chatty and Ev even observed that "Grandma kept going from one subject to another!" I had warned the kids that if Gma was not up for company, we would go do some shopping. Ha! I had to tell them it was time to go after a couple of hours, when we needed to pick up the rest of our crew from youth group.

Mom also talked about how excited she is about joining us for brunch at Dave's parents' on Christmas morning. She even asked me if we would pick her up.

Who knew? I was texting with Gayle later last night and she observed that Mark's mother became sweet a few months before she died. Interesting. And nice.


  1. thanks Gwen. it is an emotional and difficult time of life. much different than the fun of little league baseball games, or water skiing or ...

  2. I am so thankful for these sweet gifts of time and tenderness you are experiencing with your mom!! Love you!!

  3. A year of loss--my mother-in-law, who was like a mother to me, my father, soon, my mother, and two dear friends who were my age, new grandmothers (both from cancer), and our dear 16 year old beloved kittycat, Callie. New life, in two grandchildren were born, and another on the way. Life seems very short here in the semi-middle.
