Saturday, December 18, 2010

Cracks in the Armor

*Gayle told me Mom said to her that she could not sleep in the master bedroom without Dad. I hadn't thought anything about Mom sleeping in the sewing room. She has slept there for a long time, even when Dad was alive and well in the master bedroom.

*Mom got teary-eyed the other day when I was at her house. I asked her about it and she said that after being married for 62 years, your husband becomes your life. She didn't want me to think she cried all the time (as if), but told me that the tears just come sometimes.

*Mom said again that she is concerned about how the end will be for her. We talked about it some and I told her I thought with her weakened heart and continuing weight loss, that when the cancer started to take over it wouldn't take long. Are those words of comfort? I think, for Mom, they are.


  1. Must.go.find.Kleenex! *Sniff**Sniff**Sob*

    Love you and am praying for your Mama! Would she think it was weird if you gave her a hug from me? If so, just squeeze her on the sly...

  2. This is good, healthy greiving. I am grateful. I, for one am hoping/praying for another month of relative health for mom, so I can be there in full avilability. Should I tell mom so she will expect another month of good health, as i expect my prayers to be answered?

  3. yes, praying for mom that when it is time, God will take her quickly. It is an emotional time and sad and joyful at the same time... Gwen, it is wonderful that mom talks with you about this difficult emotions and thoughts. Thanks for being there!!
