Monday, August 1, 2011

Hospice Doctor Visit

Meg and I happened to be at Mom's today when the hospice doctor came by. The nurse comes weekly and the doctor is supposed to come every two months, but I think he comes more often. Mom exclaimed to him, "I don't think it has been two months!" Meg probably nailed it when she said, "You're just his favorite." Must be that Mama Mojo that draws admirers like moths to the flame.

This doctor is the man who did my kids' pedi checks when they were born. He is very actively pro-life, which in my humble opinion gives him a great perspective for working in hospice. All life is precious and to be protected. So glad he's on our team.

Mom seemed extra tired today. She told the doctor she was slowing down "to a turtle's pace". He was not surprised to hear it, but encouraged Mom to save her energy. She had told me before he arrived that she was moving much more cautiously, even using her cane in the house. The kids and I had noticed that Mom's lawn is getting really dry. I wonder if moving the sprinkler around in the heat is just more than she is up to anymore. Maybe I'll brave up and offer to water.

Mom's blood pressure keeps creeping lower, and they keep cutting her bp meds. Today the doctor explained that with Mom's atrial fibrillation, he will likely keep her on a low dose of bp meds. Evidently that can keep the ventricle from jumping on board with the atrium's fibrillations. (We had a nice lesson on the basics of a. fib.)

Mom mentioned her upcoming dentist appointment for an abscessed tooth and the doctor thought she might want to ask about just an extraction, rather than a root canal. Seeing her weariness today, I would hate to think of her lying there, enduring a long root canal. I thought it was a good suggestion, as long as she can still eat her steak!

I walked outside with the doctor as he left, and described the "anemone" episode. He supposed it was a little pooling from the atrial fibrillation that squooshed through the brain all at once. Sort of like a clot but not nearly so scary.

Really helpful; really nice manner; still makes me really sad to think of my mom failing after all.

1 comment:

  1. Sending you a big hug friend! (((Gwen))) You are a beautiful daughter. I'm glad you are clsoe to your parents.

    I'm watching my Dad decline and it is just so hard. I wish that they lived closer, but it most likely won't happen.

    Praying you see God's blessings in fresh new ways this week!
