Monday, August 29, 2011

Sibling Visit

My sister Ruth and her husband Rich came to visit Mom last week. They drove down from Arkansas all by themselves, without a single one of their six children. I think it might have been a first! Ruth and Rich arrived Wednesday evening, bringing rain with them.

Mom was typically "up" for the visit. I went by Wednesday morning and noticed her tidy (long) driveway and sidewalk. Mom didn't hear me knock (usual) or ring the bell (unusual). I let myself in and found Mom in the kitchen, sitting droopily in her chair. She was pleased with herself for blowing off the drive and walkway, but could hardly move as a result. She did not want any help to get ready for her company. She did send Karis over to McKenzies to fetch some barbecue for the fridge. It was around 9:30 a.m. when I left, and Mom was ready for a nap in Dad's chair.

Mom played the part of the amazingly healthy grandma from Wednesday night through Saturday, and Ruth and Rich happily bought it. Dave and I did try to give a more accurate picture of Mom's current state, but R and R freely admitted they preferred the rose-colored picture. I know it is hard to believe your mom is failing when she says she's not and you really would rather she live forever.

Ruth and Rich left Saturday. Mom was pleased that they wanted to take some family heirlooms and mementos with them. It was nice of them to come see Mom.

Mom said she slept really hard Saturday night. This morning (Monday), when I took Mom to run an errand, she said she didn't need to sit down while we waited in line. Then when I was filling out some paperwork, I looked around and saw Mom sitting on a nearby bench. She's tired.

1 comment:

  1. She is going to do things her way, I glad that she can still enjoy company! She loves getting rid of things. Mom gave me a run down of all the things Ruth and Rich took away! She is so happy that we want and will take and enjoy her possessions. Missing her...
