Tuesday, October 25, 2011


Karis texted me this morning and I asked her if she had seen Grandma before she left for class.

Karis: Not when I left for school, but when I went between english and history (9:30), she was finishing breakfast and had showered.

We talked about grades and things, then this.

Karis: I don't think you should stop seeing Grandma. She doesn't like admitting she needs help and she doesn't like accepting it, but she really appreciates it and seeing you and the kids are big highlights to her.

We talked about Loren coming and then Ruth, and how Mom seems to be enjoying the change of people. I told her I thought this was a good time for me to take a break.

Karis: She [Mom] doesn't want you to stop being controlling. She just doesn't like that she needs it.

We talked more. Karis told me a Hitler joke (always appropriate). Then she asked me the sweetest question.

Karis: Does it waste too much gas to go home and check on Grandma between classes?

You know the deal where a kindness to your children is a kindness to you? It's the same with a kindness to your aging parent. And come to find out, it explodes exponentially when it is a kindness from your child to your aging parent.

Thank you, Karis. I love who you are.


  1. Go Karis! Sending you some gas money! And maybe you should get a degree in counseling!

  2. Now that made me cry...You are doing something right, sweet Gwen!

  3. "Oh the cycle has been broken, by and by Lord, by and by" to the tune of "Sweet By and By" Good job Gwen and Dave!!

  4. Made me cry, too! Hug your sweet girl for me!!! And ask her to hug you for me!! Love you!!!

  5. Ugly crying. Love you Gwen, and your kiddos. You are brought to mind *so* many times daily and I'm praying for your heart as your walk this out.
