Sunday, January 31, 2010

Two White Heads

That's all I saw of Mom and Dad last week at church. I was helping to lead worship, so I saw their two white heads come in shortly before the sermon. Then during the closing song I saw their two white heads scooting for the door. I'm home with two sickies today (secrets for staying healthy are welcome), so I won't even see the tops of the folks' heads this week.

I spoke briefly with Mom on Monday when I called. (Are you familiar with the drill? After a few minutes of conversation, she says: "Okay, thanks for calling.") She said Dad is getting used to his new teeth.

I was happy to hear that she is attending the Ladies' Bible Study at church on Thursday mornings. I think it is great for her to get out and spend time with other ladies. And great for the other ladies to get to spend time with her!

1 comment:

  1. I am familiar--if I call too often it is made clear, by the tone of voice and question something like, "Is that you again?" I realized that calling once a week was way too much, many years ago. When I don't call for a few weeks, it is fun to hear Mom say, "I almost called you" and I r tell her now, that she can call me for free on the cell phone (and she did call on the Tuesday of Massachusetts election a couple of weeks ago--I thought someone had died!!!) Makes me want to study psychology, because I can't figure it out...
