Thursday, January 14, 2010

Two Less Teeth

Mom called this afternoon to say the oral surgery went well. Dad has two less teeth and some stitches. Mom let me know she had picked up Dad's prescriptions (when? and where was Dad? I wish she would let me help.). Mom was going on about how well things were going, said Dad was really quiet, and then said proudly, "And I haven't given him a single pain pill."

What??? I told Mom that normally it is recommended to give pain medicine on schedule after a surgery in order to stay ahead of the pain. This was a foreign concept to her. She countered that Dad had not asked for anything. I reminded her that he is one tough cookie and might not label it pain until it is excrutiating. Mom remained unconvinced, so I suggested she call the doctor's office and ask for their recommendation. I hope she called. I really hope she gives Dad some pain medicine.

And happy birthday to Mom! 89 years old and still doing things her way. Here's to you, Mom. We are not worthy.

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