Monday, November 1, 2010

Is There a Brain Doctor in the House?

My brain hurts!

You know how you can be going along, thinking you are doing fine, and then something happens like, say, your hair starts to fall out? And you realize maybe you are not doing as fine as you thought?

I woke up this morning, thought about what I needed to do before we left for school, got ready, packed one lunch, grabbed a couple of water bottles, was ready before the girls, drove to school, exchanged small talk with my boss, walked out the door to get my first student...

And realized I left my son at home. Sound asleep in his warm bed. Monday is one of his regular educational therapy days, so he comes to school with us in the morning. Last week our diagnostician asked me if I felt ADD. Um, yeah, I guess so.

So, I employed a strategy that my boss teaches in her student organization class and did a Brain Dump. I just started writing down everything on my mind that I need to do. I wrote and wrote and wrote. Then I starred the things I needed to do immediately, today. Once the immediate things were taken care of, I assigned the others to different days this week. A couple of things even had to get bounced to next week.

I also asked Nate to take on the responsibility of setting his own alarm and reminding me when he needs to come with me. I need all the help I can get.

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