Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Sister Time

I made my Monday call to the folks yesterday and Mom answered the phone. She said she had called her sister and was pleased that Helen remembered her. I wonder if we will be like that one day.

Mom: I invited Helen to come for a visit if her daughters approve. So I'm going to call them and see.

Gwen: So, your energy is back?

Mom: Oh, yes. I enjoy her company so and she enjoys it here. Plus, this might be the last visit.

Gwen: Well, you know I am on call. Please call me if things get hairy.

Mom: (laughs) I told Dad we could all three end up in Emergency.

I'm really glad for Mom to see her sister again. And I'm really appalled that Mom would try to host her. And I'm really scared at what the outcome could be.

1 comment:

  1. Come on, Gwen, when you get to be 89 or in your 90's I am all for a little wild play! Why not take some risks and who cares? If they die having fun, why not? They aren't going to hurt anyone but themselves, and they will have a hootin' good time going down!
