Thursday, December 15, 2011


To All Who Are Complaining About Warm Temperatures in December (please don't pretend like you weren't):

Because the thermometer was well into the 70s today, my mom was able to sit out on the back porch, soak in the sunshine, and brush her beloved cat, Mittens.

You call it unseasonably warm. I call it perfect Christmas weather.


  1. I call it southern weather. This is nothing new. I remember going hunting with Wayne in shorts, it was so warm. Do glad she has a kitty to fuss over.

  2. You are so right, Libby. And I always say, any day your kids can run outside in shorts and bare feet is a good day. Isn't this why we live here?

  3. uh, that's "so" glad. It's a shame I don't take advantage of the proof reading of my comments. Yes, that IS why we live here.
