He recommended a full colonoscopy to check everything out, but also offered Mom a choice of just a partial colonoscopy to check for a recurrence of cancer in the same spot. Dr. K assured Mom that he would use a pediatric scope and would not push if navigation was difficult. And he said she would not have to have another colonoscopy ever again. Mom bought it and scheduled a full colonoscopy for May 11.
A couple of funnies about the appointment. It was in The Woodlands and they sent a simple map to Mom with the paperwork. She kept saying how easy it looked to find and that she could go by herself. I kept telling her I would pick her up. She did let me pick her up, so I didn't have to call in the Family Enforcer again, but even as we were driving home, Mom kept on about how she could have driven. Woman!
Then when Mom was on the exam table with Dr. K pressing on her abdomen, she let fly with, "I'm really only here because of my kids." I said, "I thought you were here because you think you have cancer." Dr. K asked Mom, "What kind of cancer do you think you have?" To which Mom replied, "What kinds are there?" You have to smile. :)